Thank you for your interest in supporting Church on the Go, Inc.(COTG).
Church on the Go is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organizations. Our Federal EIN # is 26-3774351. Click here for COTG IRS letter
Church on the Go is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organizations. Our Federal EIN # is 26-3774351. Click here for COTG IRS letter
- Please note that donating for a particular item, your tax deductible value is less the value or cost of the product. Please consult with your tax advisor.
- Some items may take a while to ship depending on inventory on hand, and COTG needing to order more inventory. (shipping is included for US addresses, please contact us if shipping is outside the US)
- To choose one of the options below (with minimum suggested donations), please include item memo in Credit Card info (sample), or in memo line of check.
Photo or Canvas Prints
Please Note that Prints may be cropped a little depending on size you are wanting (click for example of image 2, Pastor Laki on a canvas wrap).
Note number on each image to include in memo with short description.
Note number on each image to include in memo with short description.
***Please note that these are Special Order Items and may take 5-7 days in production, before mailing.
24 x 36 inch Canvas - Suggested Donation Amount: $125
8 x 10 inch Photo Print - Suggested Donation Amount: $25
Always Love Over Hate Always
Always Love Over Hate Always
Maui (black) or Hawaii (pineapple)
He Sent His Word and Healed
Weapons of Warfare
I Will Marry You
Sons of God
Sons of God
Daughters of God (Sons of God)